miracle box 2.82 or 2.58 start button not working 100% solution

Miracle Thunder v 2.82 Start Button Not Working Solution

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A lot of people have this problem. Start button not working in their box, Means it doesn't look. So today I am going to tell you its solution, How do we show the start button of the box, You just follow the step given below,

Miracle Thunder v 2.82 Start Button Not Working or not showing Solution 

Step :#1
  1. Press the "Window" button with the "R" Button from your keyboard "Window+R" Which will open your run command  
  2. You have to type "regedit" after that Click on OK, You will get a window of regedit
  3. Click on "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
  4. Click on "Software"
  5. To find a folder named "Handle" After that you have to delete that folder
  6. Close now regedit
 Step :#2
  1. You have to go to "C DRIVE", After that find the folder "Gsm_X_Team", go inside it
  2. Click on "Miracle Thunder [OFFICIAL - FREE] v 2.82" Folder, go inside it
  3. Click on "BOX_Data" Folder, go inside it
  4. Click on "Handle.ini" file, and Open it
  5. You will see that date and year, You have to Replace the year. You can write any year after the year that is going on, As 2020 is going on, I will delete 2020 and write 2021 in its place, Or 2022 or 2023 any year you wish, meaning 2020 will be changed to 2021.
  6. Now you press Ctrl + S from the keyboard and save

Now you open the miracle box, Now start button will appear in front of you in Miracle box

You will understand very well with image

Miracle Thunder v 2.82 Start Button Not Working Solution With Image

1. Press "Window+R" Button and Type "regedit" 

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2. Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" In To " Software" In To "Handel" Delete it

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3. Go to "C Drive" in to "Gsm x team" in to "Box Data" in to "Handle.ini" Open It

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4. Delete Some text and Chang year. Running year 2019 to 2020 or any year as you wish..

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Thank you 

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